Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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The best time to visit The Bahamas is anytime! However, from mid-December to mid-April is the country’s peak season.
The city of Nassau is located on the northeast coast of the island of New Providence which is in The Bahamas.
Nassau, the capital city of The Bahamas is located on the 21 by 7 mile long island of New Providence. It is the 11th largest island in the country.
Nassau boasts a population of approximately 374,400 with just over 70% of the entire population of the Bahamas residing there.
The time in Nassau is 5 hours behind UTC. The current timezone in Nassau is Eastern Standard Time (EST). It is currently observing Standard Time (DST) also known as winter time. Daylight Saving Time in Nassau starts on March 12, 2023.
Nassau is one of the cruise ports where you can absolutely get away without booking an excursion. Here’s a list of things that you can do around town:
* Visit the Abandoned Lighthouse
* Splash Down at Aquaventure Waterpark
* Tour John Watling’s Distillery
* Go on a Nassau to Pig Beach Tour by Plane
* Check out the Pirates of Nassau Museum
* Go Shopping at the Local Straw Market
* Get a Picture at the Queen’s Staircase
Finding what to do in Nassau with kids is not hard!
The Bahamas are a beautiful place to visit and downtown Nassau is the hot spot of the island. This is a list of everything you’ll want to do when going to Nassau with kids.
* Visit the Pirate Museum
* A walk to Fort Fincastle
* Run down through the Queens Staircase
* Hair braiding at the Straw Market
* Picnic at the Junkanoo Beach